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Developing the Talent Within


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Mascalls Career Day.
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Burning2Learn Career Day:


Students take part in a tailored career day with a difference.  Rather than collecting free pens, students look at different industries, and the roles that exist within those industries to find a career that matches both their interests and their skill sets.  This way different personalities are able to find their ideal role and see how they can thrive in employment.


These career days are always eye-opening, as many students are completely unaware that their ideal job, no matter how obscure or abstract it may seem, actually exists. This is a powerful way for students to see value in their education in terms of grades and life beyond school.


Schools that have taken part in Burning2Learn career days and work experience programmes include Mascalls School in Paddock Wood, Kent; and Hextable Comprehensive School in Hextable, Kent.

Our most recent Career Day was at Mascalls School, Paddock Wood.  To find out more about  the Mascalls School Career Day delivered by Burning2Learn, click the button below.

To find out about your Career Day, click the button below.